Descripción: Numeroso público se asienta en con no distintos bg voces, movimientos ligeros.

Descripción: Sound within a building as it starts to crumble and fall apart with bricks, debris and glass crashing to the floor.

Descripción: Stereo ambience or sound effect recording of the lobby of a busy downtown corporate or business type building. An active elevator bay, footsteps, a rotating door, and the murmur of passing conversation fill the large, reverberant space made with high ceilings and marble tile.

Descripción: Sense of a larger room. Light but steady chatter. Med. busy. Very few dish clatters, business atmosphere. Stereo.

Descripción: light interior walla, courtroom, mostly male, light mvts, fairly close recording. Low key conversations.No excessive echo.

Descripción: Embarque en un avión comercial, en el interior

Descripción: Avión comercial, Interior

Descripción: Ambiente desde dentro los albañiles armas pub, Fitzrovia, Londres con gente chateando

Descripción: Sonido de ambiente de supermercado - gente, heladeras, carros, cashboxes