Descripción: A single monster voice effect. Great addition to Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi projects featuring fictional creatures.

Descripción: A single monster voice effect. Great addition to Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi projects featuring fictional creatures.

Descripción: A single monster voice effect. Great addition to Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi projects featuring fictional creatures.

Descripción: A single monster voice effect. Great addition to Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi projects featuring fictional creatures.

Descripción: A single monster voice effect. Great addition to Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi projects featuring fictional creatures.

Descripción: A single monster voice effect. Great addition to Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi projects featuring fictional creatures.

Descripción: A single monster voice effect. Great addition to Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi projects featuring fictional creatures.

Descripción: A single monster voice effect. Great addition to Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi projects featuring fictional creatures.

Descripción: enojado, animal, terriblemente, beast, cartoon, dinosaurio, terriblemente, ficción, terriblemente, furioso, juego, rugido espantoso, juegos, horriblemente, aullidos, aullidos, grande, Mitología, terror, ciencia ficción, ciencia, terriblemente, lobo

Descripción: Este es el sonido de los gruñidos de lobo