Descripción: Alojamiento, alojamiento-Años Nuevos, Luz, Luz brillante, brillante, Celeste, Azul, delicado, etéreo, positivo, mágico, fantástico, feliz, vibrante, cálido, Surrealista, espumosos, en un estado de ánimo feliz, con orquesta, con un tempo medio

Descripción: Alojamiento, alojamiento-Años Nuevos, relajado, Luz, sueltas, Airy, hermoso, brillante, positivo, sencillo y monótono, Celestial, Pacífica, delicado, tranquilo, soñador, sentirse bien, suave, tierna, feliz, cordial, en una positiva estado de ánimo, con caja de música, con un tempo medio

Descripción: Súper positivo vacaciones Navidad pista para proyectos del Fondo de celebración y video…Hacer vacaciones para todos y obtener su propia canción para vacaciones! Navidad, melodía de chill vacaciones de invierno, batería rítmica y fondo de cadena, bells…

Descripción: This is my new optimistic positive corporate Christmas Holiday Romantic Dance Music track with celebratory festive bright mood, which contains bells, guitar, electronic club drums, synths and bass…This track can be used anywhere – as a motivational musical holiday new year or christmas background for websites, in computer children's arcade games, tv or radio jingle, advertising, wedding and commercial video or presentation, photo slideshow, etc…Enjoy and thanks for buying!:) achievement, advertising, background, bells, bouncy, bright, celebratory, cheerful, children, children music, christmas, christmas music, commercial, dance, easy, energetic, fast, festive, fun, game, game music, happy, holiday, inspiration, inspirational, intro, joyful, lively, logo, merry, motivation, music, new year, opening, optimistic, playful, positive, positive music, presentation, promo, romantic, travel, upbeat, uplifting, video, video game, website, wedding, motivational, fast

Descripción: Fast and energetic Christmas intro with "Jingle Bells" melody!

Descripción: Festive logo opener with christmas wonder atmosphere. Ideal for inspirational projects.

Descripción: Beautiful and emotionally fulfilling piece of music featuring piano, celeste and strings, cello, and violins. Starts with piano and celeste and slowly builds as cello and violins come in, adding extra layers of emotions and dynamics.

Descripción: Beautiful and emotionally fulfilling piece of music featuring piano, bells, cello, violins and boys choir. Perfect for film/game trailers, commercials, videos, projects and so on.

Descripción: Beautiful and emotionally fulfilling piece of music featuring piano, bells, cello, violins and boys choir. Starts with piano and and slowly builds as cello and violins come in, adding extra layers of emotions and dynamics. Perfect for film/game trailers, commercials, videos, projects and so on.

Descripción: Merry Christmas! This is super track with a Christmas and New Year positive happy mood and fairy-tale style, with a lots of bells, strings, violins and Santa snow steps...:) This magic track can be used anywhere – in celebratory games and festive movies for children, holiday presentations, news, telecasts, as a music, background for websites etc… background music, beautiful, bells, calm, celebratory, children, christmas, christmas music, commercial, congratulation, dreamy, fairytale, festive, fun, game, happy, holiday, holiday mood, inspiration, inspirational, intro, joyful, kids, lively, logo, magic, merry christmas, music, new year, opening, optimistic, peaceful, playful, positive, positive music, relaxing, santa, santa coming, santa steps, slow, snow steps, video, website, xmas, video game, sweet, soft, smooth, relaxed