Descripción: Inspiring track that is perfect for your corporate, motivational, and other video. This track used pianos, drums, guitar and strings.

Descripción: Motivational corporate track with harmonics & piano. Perfect for any project.

Descripción: Motivational, beautiful, uplifting and emotional music. This background track is perfect for any inspiring, motivating and positive projects including films, tv shows, corporate presentations, youtube videos, business promos, advertising and more. Features dreamy guitars, piano, strings and drums. Ad-Rev FREE for your convenience!

Descripción: Esta es mi nueva pista de lazo música corporativa positiva optimista (1min longitud) con alegre humor brillante, que contienen piano acústico, guitarras, baterías electrónicas, Sintes solo y bajo...Esta pista puede utilizarse en cualquier lugar – como un fondo musical motivacional para sitios web, en la computadora los niños juegos de arcade, tv o jingle de radio, publicidad y comercial video etc....Disfruta y agradece la compra!:)

Descripción: Esta música corporativa contemporánea combina un estilo fresco y futurista y sofisticación moderna. La melodía de piano eléctrica valiente se complementa con la guitarra armónica mientras que el ambiente general de esta música es suave pero innovadora. Esta música funciona muy bien con corporativos, anuncios, tecnología, televisión, explainers y mucho más.

Descripción: Inspire your audience! Fill your audience with strength and purpose for the day as they listen to this truly magical tune! Uplifting string melodies take your audience on an musical adventure as the underlying pulsating bass, electric guitar and drums drive the adventure into overdrive. Use this underscore for you next: - Background Music for video, Corporate Training Videos, Product Launch, Corporate Spot - After effects projects - Music for Youtube - Product Advertisements, Commercials, Infomercials, Radio Promotions Thank You for your purchase! Let us know what project this song is used in by sending us a link.

Descripción: Motivational and inspirational track. Hopeful mood, lyric piano melody, beautiful electro guitar. Never give up!

Descripción: Calm and relaxing corporate tune with a romantic and introspective mood, ideal for a wide range of video projects including corporate videos, advertising and much more. Available a 30 sec, a 60 sec, a 20 sec and a loop version plus full track.

Descripción: Corporate, inspirational track. Perfect for Advertising, Slideshows, inspiring, motivating, promotional, presentation videos and more.

Descripción: Epic, hopeful track for trailers and other promotional material. Written for full orchestra, this piece features pulse-pounding percussion, communicating an epic, yet hopeful vibe. Perfect for any project that needs to inspire the audience and communicate a feeling of triumph over danger and hopelessness.