Descripción: a sweet sound of atmospheric pads that make it up, ambient tropical plants does not reflect our nature, we talk about anything but environment sci fi fantasy style alien ... abbinerei succeed even in a cartoon style, it is really delicious to listen I dislike all the changes and the changes that I've made ... a particular style ... a unique journey

Descripción: Chillout, tribales, ambient, música, experimental

Descripción: based on a track glitch, a disproportionate barrage of environmental effects of all kinds, glitch effects, space, trip and very psychedelic ..I am chases that blend with each other thus creating a mixture of ambient music glitch pop ... perfect on all kinds psychedelic ...

Descripción: Welcome to space, where sound and reality merge and become one, single, special, strange, a sound that pushes you beyond this boundary ..the space, beyond everything 'that we can not understand ... sounds that do not exist in nature, particle effects, sounds out of this world ..

Descripción: Avatar begins with a little psychedelic arp, but this track evolves throughout its life, the world of fantasy just as Avatar, very psychedelic, and especially his pad and sounds that are inside are really fabulous, the sounds are lifted in many and trip .. has evolved and changed tone going forward more and more is the usual psychedelic ambient ... good listening and good healing ..

Descripción: Track for your dreams and relaxation

Descripción: Very imaginative, fantastic and surreal ... psychedelic ambient, with a sound all its own, ascoltare the psychedelic sounds, and effects, spinning revolving around the whole composition, there a little of everything from shimmering atmospheric pads, from leads and synth brilliant evolving all the time, always thought the style fantasy cartoons, beautiful and varied, expresses peace and very being ..

Descripción: Chillout, electrónica, música del mundo, tribal, ambiente

Descripción: chillout psy ,suoni tempestivi forestali ,rispechia molto la natura e un genere alternativo ho usato timbri di synth ,suoni esotici e sperimentali

Descripción: His own style, a particular style that sounds chillout lounge, but it's not like all the others, as you alter psychedelics special effects sounds fade in the evolution of this track changes in particular leaving sounds of artistic instruments such as guitars, acid sounds , romance that they send in a trance ..and a reverb that acts as ..chill and psybient space effect ..