Descripción: Actually cinematic theme whith driving and at the same time thoughtful and dreaming mood...

Descripción: Special effects use of music instruments from the Spaghetti Western film orchestra makes this a surrealistic, esoteric and bizzare cue. This version is a stem without the rhythm. Sound design use also.

Descripción: Special effects use of music instruments from the Spaghetti Western film orchestra makes this a surrealistic, esoteric and bizzare cue. Sound design use also.

Descripción: 000002E6 00000128 00004FD2 00001E2E 0002D949 00025249 00007FFF 00007FFF 0002C705 000240D6

Descripción: Suspense building, intense, powerful; drums and percussions with sound effects. Great track for Chase Cue, Suspense Cue, Film Soundtracks, Scary/Ominous Cue, and Action Cue

Descripción: Very soft, romantic and quite atmosphere track, with a very smooth and gentle Piano movement , This heartfelt a beautifully reflective, mellow piece perfect for movie productions which looking to create a peaceful, heartwarming mood.

Descripción: Very soft, romantic and quite atmosphere track, with a very smooth and gentle Piano movement , This heartfelt a beautifully reflective, mellow piece perfect for movie productions which looking to create a peaceful, heartwarming mood.

Descripción: Spacey vocalizaciones, percusión, y primitivos sintetizadores flotante en una dimensión alternativa de electromecánica de ruido. It's raro y maravilloso, y un poco espeluznante.

Descripción: Guitarras intercale y sale uno con el otro mientras toca percusión extraña en el fondo. Instrumentación incluye piezas encontradas, basura percusiones y sonidos no tradicionales. Oscuro y extraño.

Descripción: A freely-improvised piece for piano, backed up with reverb atmoshpheres. Exloring, searching, reaching and other-worldly