Descripción: Loop-ready version of a nostalgic song performed on synthesizers, with a leit motiv performed on bell keys over a blend of pads and rhythmic synth strings. A mood of longing for the past but not being able to recover those days. A state of pensive melancholy. Key of Am

Descripción: Just short sad tune played electric piano...

Descripción: Binaural beats to regain self-control and calm. It is recommended to listen for at least half an hour to get in tune with the binaural beats. A complete relaxation occurs within an hour of listening.

Descripción: Binaural beats to regain self-control and calm. It is recommended to listen for at least half an hour to get in tune with the binaural beats. A complete relaxation occurs within an hour of listening. The repetitive voice in background helps to achieve the effect.

Descripción: Sweet and romantic looped track that recalls the dreamy atmosphere of japanese anime. Piano is totally protagonist.

Descripción: Bright, warm and emotional track featuring delayed electric guitar, acoustic guitar, drums, percussion, strings and bass. Very heartfelt, thoughtful and romantic.

Descripción: This beautiful new age fusion music combines an ethereal style with a clean and smooth vibe. The bell melodies play a hypnotic melody while the crisp bass and modern beat provides a dynamic rhythm. This music works great for a wide variety of apps including ads, travel, corporate, business, nature, typography, and much more.

Descripción: Corto acordes de guitarra completo loopable. Ideal para Antecedentes o introducción.

Descripción: Electronica evoca el movimiento, tales como giros o suave de la velocidad como una de cabotaje de aves.

Descripción: 60 segundo bucle con la nueva era en la guitarra acústica y el bajo del tema . Grandes documentales o comerciales.