Descripción: Historic, jolly and lively 13th Century AD jig or dance from England and Europe. Full of merriment and splendour, a circular reel, from the crusades period. Features authentic instruments including the recorder and the dulcimer. Ideal for period drama, documentary, travelogues, radio and TV commercials. Main, 60sec and 30sec versions

Descripción: Magical, cinematic, child-like fantasies, from a forest underworld inhabited by elves and fairies to wondrous castles filled with memories of past childhoods. Opens with minimal celesta and gradually builds, then dissolves away. Light Orchestra & choir. Various cuts and mixes including 60sec, 30sec and stings

Descripción: Intense, dramatic & big cinematic action thriller featuring full orchestra. On the edge, waiting for the moment the killer strikes. Full of movement & atmosphere, with dramatic strikes & epic movie tense orchestrations. Perfect for horror, thriller, action & dangerous moments. Various mixes, 60sec, 30sec & stings

Descripción: Inquisitive, hesitant, with more than a little intrigue. When there's nothing to do but wait with time passing by, just keep busy. Up-tempo, light activity, minimal orchestral, with a strong sense of dramedy & perfect for reality TV. Feeling a little nervous & apprehensive. Lots of edit points. Main, 60sec, 30sec, stings, stagers & bridge

Descripción: Industrious, rhythmic and productive light orchestral dramedy. With a mechanical or clock ticking effect, this track works well accompanying movement and maybe slightly mundane activity. Perfect for dramedy or TV reality cooking, baking, sewing, craft style programming. Various mixes & cuts including 60, 30 & sting

Descripción: A slick Hollywood Studio production track with live band instruments, a killer blues guitar solo and piano part, delivering a confident and fun tune full of attitude.

Descripción: Instrumental 60 second version of Sail On, a beautiful track for scoring any adventure film, or discoveries and exploration, ocean voyages, underwater , safari, space travel, detective and much more !

Descripción: Instrumental 60 second version of Sail On, a beautiful track for scoring any adventure film, or discoveries and exploration, ocean voyages, underwater , safari, space travel, detective and much more !

Descripción: Only Time Will Tell is fresh and captivating, with folk rock and classical elements providing a "timeless" lyrical and musical message and journey. Opens with Spanish-Classical finger-picked guitar follower by an oboe, strings and atmospheric vibe. Extended version includes Santana like dynamic electric guitar leads. Moody, thoughtful and beautiful.

Descripción: A fun and unique track with a great rhythm section playing funky exotic music, with the amazing soprano sax piping a storied mystery of happiness, celebration,and universal love. Great smooth and funky track instrumental for any TV and Film project, radio and muzak and more.