Descripción: Sexy and sensual corporate tech ident and logo. Synths, hip hop drums, bassline and a wise use of sidechain to add more sinuosity to the track. Great as logo and ident for many corporate brands and footage as introductive sound. Great for flash animation. Seductive girls, feminine and provocative products and services

Descripción: Sexy and sensual corporate tech ident and logo. Synths, hip hop drums, bassline and a wise use of sidechain to add more sinuosity to the track. Great as logo and ident for many corporate brands and footage as introductive sound. Great for flash animation. Seductive girls, feminine and provocative products and services

Descripción: Sweet audio logo sound, great atmosphere, magic. It sounds great as opening instrumental audio logo for corporate videos, presentations, animated logos, moving logos and any other corporate ID video. Web, internet and smartphone applications, youtube and much more. Great for TV, Radio and Multimedia

Descripción: A boundless, immense plain in front of our very eyes. A whirling river to cross. Green hills full of blooming trees and flourishing vegetation a long way out. Wild nature. Dangerous predators. Spirit of adventure. This instrumental track has also an arabic flavour. Ideal for adventure/action movies

Descripción: A boundless, immense plain in front of our very eyes. A whirling river to cross. Green hills full of blooming trees and flourishing vegetation a long way out. Wild nature. Dangerous predators. Spirit of adventure. This instrumental track has also an arabic flavour. Ideal for adventure/action movies

Descripción: Romantic r&b instrumental tune featuring urban beats, sopran sax, piano, synth bass and strings. It sounds perfect with romantic scenes, elegant catwalks, elegant corporate videos, travel shows or any fashion and trendy subjects, TV and Radio shows of any kind

Descripción: 15 seconds piano logo highly inspirational and emotional, great for video logos and business logo animations. Perfect for short commercials in Radio and TV, to underscore short voice over projects. Heartwarming and hopeful.

Descripción: Positive and optimistic electronic track with soft dubstep glitching elements. It communicates happy feelings and conveys funny images to audience. Perfect for advertising use and positive corporate videos. Its length is perfect for 60 secs uplifting commercial videos. Short cuts and loops available

Descripción: If you want to have fun here's the right place 4 U! Energizing track with latin hip hop bachata rhythms, percussion, bass and funky guitar, piano synth and trumpet. Typical dance vocals and jam. People are going mad in this amazing party! Join them NOW and JUMP! TV/Radio Sport Streetwear Fashion

Descripción: If you want to have fun here's the right place 4 U! Energizing track with latin hip hop bachata rhythms, percussion, bass and funky guitar, piano synth and trumpet. Typical dance vocals and jam. People are going mad in this amazing party! Join them NOW and JUMP! TV/Radio Sport Streetwear Fashion

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