Descripción: Heavenly Church style choir. Uplifting voices, reverent and respectful, in the style of a traditional hymn. Beautiful and atmospheric setting for religious buildings and events. Features Boy soprano lead, with full male and female choir backing. Great for Documentary, radio and TV commercials. 60sec and 30sec versions

Descripción: Church pipe organ Christian style hymn. Uplifting, reverent and heart-warming original work played on a pipe organ. Consists of verse, then second verse and chorus. Different organ stops are used for each section. Provided in commercial length cuts. 60sec and 30sec

Descripción: Popular Hymn tune from 1905. Cwm Rhondda, or Rhondda Valley, is known today as a Welsh anthem. In English the words are 'O Thou Great Redeemer', but it is much more widely known as 'Bread of Heaven'. This patriotic and heart-felt version features a brass ensemble and a male voice choir (no words)

Descripción: Laid back contemporary Christian style underscore. Easy and gentle song, but with some pace and movement. Ideal accompaniment for spiritual television, religious web biogs and profiles, radio commercials on faith stations or general commercial use. Features piano and Rhodes keyboards. Main, 60sec and 30sec versions

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