Descripción: A small group of people vocally express their state of complete awe and amazement.

Descripción: Grabación de sonido de los neumáticos de un automóvil u otro vehículo chillando como el vehículo de las cáscaras de la acera.

Descripción: Stereo sound effect recording of a large group of people such as an audience applauding and clapping in approval.

Descripción: Stereo sound recording of an audience clapping and applauding.

Descripción: Stereo sound recording of an audience or crowd cheering and whistling as they clap and applaud.

Descripción: Stereo sound effect recording of a door bell ringing with a classic "Ding Dong!"

Descripción: Stereo sound recording of an audience clapping in a round of applause.

Descripción: Sound recording of a door bell being repeatedly and impatiently rung by someone at the door.

Descripción: Stereo sound recording of an audience or group of people laughing after being told a bad joke.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo sound recording of footsteps walking across wet, crunchy broken glass and other debris.

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