Descripción: An orchestral fantasy adventure musical melody implying magical worlds and wonder containing beautiful, enchanting elements which create a magical, atmospheric sense of surprises, tales and adventure, perfect for animated musical fantasy.

Descripción: An orchestral fantasy adventure musical melody implying magical worlds and wonder containing beautiful, enchanting elements which create a magical, atmospheric sense of surprises, tales and adventure, perfect for animated musical fantasy.

Descripción: Casual guitar with contemporary bass is adapted with modern electronic background washes and contemporary piano to create a luxurious background theme.

Descripción: A soft gentle melody suggesting a new day or waking up from sleep. The melody is fresh and relaxing combining gentle, soft piano chords with refreshing strings boasting sensual, contemplative elements.

Descripción: Motion Picture style cinematic soundtrack featuring professional low percussion builds, overlaid with inspiring climatic piano chords, backed with dramatic strings. The theme contains climatic emotional notes, hinting at hope and destiny, which builds into a legendary theme suitable for cinematic production, film, movie or game trailers especially teaser trailers.

Descripción: Expectant, soft piano chords and slow ambient-style electric guitar melody develop into a sweeping chorus featuring lush guitar chords to give an expansive, grand feel. Suggestive of an epic adventure or discovery, perhaps in the natural world. Suitable for travel vlogs, drone footage and scenic landscape.

Descripción: Imagine a cool urban plaza or modern loft furnished with chic and stylish decor, where people savor their cool drinks in a pleasant atmosphere. Smokey tenor sax gives a laid-back jazzy feel to this lounge track. Perfect for real-estate videos, promoting aspects of stylish city life and urban development projects.

Descripción: Una muy colorida y delicada pista instrumental con una gran variedad de instrumentos como el piano, la flauta, el xilófono, bloques de madera y cuerdas delicadas para crear un divertido, feliz, fluyendo para niños estilo pista con abundante bello ups y bajadas a lo largo. Niños muy pegadiza melodía proporciona chirpy ambiente ideal para la animación o dibujos animados.

Descripción: Middle eastern traditional style music with an Egyptian style theme ideal for documentary or travel related theme suitable for tourism documentaries.

Descripción: A soft, enchanting piece with light piccolo melody, fluttering staccato, and flute phrases gives the impression of a wondrous fantasy landscape. Ideal for projects where a light, explorative kids feel is needed. The melody creates a magical, whimsical atmosphere for gameplay or presentations.

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