Descripción: An emotional Christmas style melody featuring piano, glockenspiel and flowing harp, designed to create a relaxing magical feel with loving warming elements that create an ideal Christmas scene suggesting being at home relaxing near the tree with family and snow falling outside beside a nice warm fire. Very sensual with magical elements, making it useful for advertising for retail or food shopping.

Descripción: This is a gentle and exquisitely beautiful lullaby with the delicate sounds of a Music Box and Celesta combination creating a serene, lilting and enchanting atmosphere. The introduction of a Harp, softened by celestial synthesizer washes, all supported by very subtle rhythm patterns make this piece ideal for tender or poignant scenes.

Descripción: An exciting Christmas melody featuring Celesta, sleigh bells and piano, which combine to create the festive spirit of Christmas making it ideal for advertising commercials and shopping. The track itself features happy and exciting elements which create a magical feel.

Descripción: An orchestral fantasy adventure musical melody implying magical worlds and wonder containing beautiful, enchanting elements which create a magical, atmospheric sense of surprises, tales and adventure, perfect for animated musical fantasy.

Descripción: Expectant, soft piano chords and slow ambient-style electric guitar melody develop into a sweeping chorus featuring lush guitar chords to give an expansive, grand feel. Suggestive of an epic adventure or discovery, perhaps in the natural world. Suitable for travel vlogs, drone footage and scenic landscape.

Descripción: Imagine a cool urban plaza or modern loft furnished with chic and stylish decor, where people savor their cool drinks in a pleasant atmosphere. Smokey tenor sax gives a laid-back jazzy feel to this lounge track. Perfect for real-estate videos, promoting aspects of stylish city life and urban development projects.

Descripción: A soft, enchanting piece with light piccolo melody, fluttering staccato, and flute phrases gives the impression of a wondrous fantasy landscape. Ideal for projects where a light, explorative kids feel is needed. The melody creates a magical, whimsical atmosphere for gameplay or presentations.

Descripción: Modern and lively electric guitar with energetic pop style beat provides fast, catchy and upbeat vibes ideal for car or vehicle advertising for TV to imply activity, active lifestyle and energy. Very creative, and great if used for a new product such as new model of car, phone, laptop or tablet. Excellent for marketing new products and merchandise. Suggests test drive of a car.

Descripción: Gentle, revolving flute patterns suggest fluttering creatures or birds in flight. A mystical, fantasy-like environment is suggested with hints of magic and wonder. Soft string passages and harp arpeggios create feel of warmth and beauty, with delicate, descending scales adding an aspect of intrigue and adventure.

Descripción: Motion Picture style cinematic soundtrack featuring professional low percussion builds, overlaid with inspiring climatic piano chords, backed with dramatic strings. The theme contains climatic emotional notes, hinting at hope and destiny, which builds into a legendary theme suitable for cinematic production, film, movie or game trailers especially teaser trailers.

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