Descripción: A Funky light corporate tune that crosses over to light industrial. Determination, drive and optimism combined with a "can do" attitude ultimately carry the day. Mission being accomplished.

Descripción: A light corporate financial tune designed to convey the lighter side of corporate imaging. Major Key. Positive, reassuring, honest and uplifting

Descripción: Epic theme for cinema and gaming. Big orchestra and bold bigger than life sound. Sports triumph theme. Striving and driving, upward battle. Courageous struggle to final victory.

Descripción: A Funky light corporate tune with a piano bass line and acoustic guitar. Crosses over to light industrial with financial overtones. Determination and optimism combined with a "can do" attitude ultimately carry the day.

Descripción: A light corporate financial tune designed to convey the lighter side of corporate imaging. Major Key. Positive, reassuring, honest and uplifting.

Descripción: Drums, Percussion exciting Travel, Islands, Caribbean, Hawaii, World, Driving, Wild, Explosive

Descripción: A no nonsense light corporate tune. Goal oriented determination. Nothing but success will do. Constant forward progress. Driving and optimistic. Crosses over to light industrial

Descripción: A light corporate financial tune that reflects the human side of corporate life when things don't go as planned. Passed over for promotion; didn't get the sale; transferred to a new location, etc.

Descripción: A light corporate financial tune that reflects a "pull yourself up by the bootstraps attitude". Slow steady progress despite setbacks. Cautious optimism combined with a confident determined stance.

Descripción: A light corporate financial tune designed to convey the lighter side of corporate imaging. Major Key. Positive, reassuring, honest and uplifting.

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