Descripción: Perfect for trailer, video games and films. I Used: percussion, symphony, a piano. adventures, action, heroic, violin, videohive, video game Am

Descripción: Using of this music possible in cinema. Simple logo sound for WEB -sites, videos etc. Opening of the page of the site, logo TV and radio, ring-tone for mobile telephone, in & Out, start or Final, change, opening or closing the page in site, flash-design in PC. Window opening.

Descripción: Sound really thunder and rain ))

Descripción: Dog protect object and suddenly He looked at me…

Descripción: Opening of the page of the site, logo TV and radio, ring-tone for mobile telephone, in & Out, start or Final, change, opening or closing the page in site, video or game flash-design in PC. Window opening.

Descripción: Using of this music possible in cinema. Simple logo sound for WEB -sites, videos etc. Opening of the page of the site, logo TV and radio, ring-tone for mobile telephone, in & Out, start or Final, change, opening or closing the page in site, flash-design in PC. Window opening.

Descripción: A dog lapping up water. This is a completely realistic sound of great quality.

Descripción: This is a cool logo intro with solemn timpani and brass

Descripción: Natural pure rain and other live sounds of birds and etc This sound can be used anywhere – in games and movies, documentary scientific films, presentation, telecasts, podcast, about nature, like fx, background for websites etc…

Descripción: Munching sound of eating potato chips.

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