Descripción: Strong and driving southern blues rock track. Live feel featuring electric guitar and tenor sax trading blues licks. Solid background help from the rhythm guitar, electric piano, bass and the tight drums playing a straight ahead backbeat. Useful for dance scenes, tv, film, radio broadcast, internet

Descripción: Strong & gritty bluesy rock fusion track. Live feel with a wickedly fun trombone solo, solid synth melody, rhythm guitars, a powerful electric bass line, a tight drums straight ahead backbeat. Useful for dance scenes, tv, film, radio broadcast, internet, video, special events, multimedia productions

Descripción: A low down, medium tempo, gritty, southern style, street smart, dirty blues track. A solid and sweet backing track suitable for voice overs, backgrounds, underscores, parties, warming up the crowd. Has a live feel. Two electric guitars with electric bass and drums set the punchy rock shuffle feel. Instrumental, Modern Electric Blues

Descripción: A slow and simmering deep in the pocket Chicago style blues loose interpretation of the bar room classic in a 12-8 feel. Tenor sax is featured on the melody, followed by a Muddy Waters electric guitar lead and the final chorus the horn section takes it out. Nice groove for bluesy media projects.

Descripción: A soulful and sexy jazzy rock groove built around a bass and guitar riff that smoothly slithers onward. Features a Nord Wave synthesizer doing chord stabs behind a bluesy guitar melody. Powerful track for tv or film underscores or for setting an impressive ambiance for media projects, in store radio

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