Descripción: Loop ready ambience or sound effect recording of a basketball game taking place in a large arena with a boisterous crowd cheering, yelling and booing along with the game.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo recording of a massive thunder clap crashing during a thunderstorm while rain steadily falls.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo walla or background crowd ambience that's great to put behind dialogue or for setting an atmosphere that's full of people.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo sound effect or ambience recording of the dim roar of a large crowd of people talking amongst themselves in a gathering hall, auditorium, theater, conference room, or other large area.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo sound recording from deep within a dense jungle. Many types of birds, insects, and other animals can be heard calling out through the trees across the forest.

Descripción: Grabación de sonido de un helicóptero que volaba en un acercamiento a una zona de aterrizaje, el aterrizaje en el suelo, al ralentí brevemente y, a continuación, en apagar sus hélices.

Descripción: Stereo sound effect or ambience recording of a lively crowd talking amongst themselves before a concert or other performance, and then quieting down and taking their seats as the performance gets ready to begin.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo ambience recording of a hockey rink during practice, warm up, or open ice. Many hockey players are skating, stick handling, and shooting pucks.

Descripción: Stereo sound effect or ambience recording of rain falling, with light distant thunder rumbling softly from far away.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo sound recording of crickets and other bugs and insects chirping and singing to create the classic evening or night-time ambience sound.

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