Descripción: Cuerdas abrasador, ráfagas orquestales y segmentos de latón profundidad dramática crean esta pista estilo épico diseñada para su uso con heroico proyecto tematizado tributo o guerra y militares. Si se utiliza con escenas climáticas graduales con un borde serio excelente.

Descripción: Heroic brass instrumentation and war style drums combine to make a legendary battle style theme. The theme itself contains elements of hope and glory, which conveys a glorifying edge.

Descripción: Orchestral magic featuring Piano and strings combine to an ultimate uplifting climax suggesting being free and reaching the ultimate heights of success. Suggests a horse running across a landscape at full speed with beautiful visuals..

Descripción: An emotionally dramatic slow building climatic orchestral symphony with emotional epic elements created for scenes requiring a longing, contemplative and slightly emotional sense of belief. Like the name “Ascension†implies, rising up or Ascending, believing in something, giving it one last attempt or trying to achieve a goal. Ideal for epic end scenes or past memories perhaps a tribute.

Descripción: Picture yourself in an ancient library with its dark furniture, musty small and dusty tomes about to reveal secrets from the past. This fantasy-styled piece has a hint of a Harry Potter-style adventure, with slightly creepy descending tremolo strings and mystical backing voices, but never veering to close to outright horror, just a hint of an eerie atmosphere that is suitable for all age groups, no matter their nervous disposition.

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