Descripción: A soft, enchanting piece with light piccolo melody, fluttering staccato, and flute phrases gives the impression of a wondrous fantasy landscape. Ideal for projects where a light, explorative kids feel is needed. The melody creates a magical, whimsical atmosphere for gameplay or presentations.

Descripción: A beautiful array of middle eastern/Turkish orchestral music with added elements of different music from around the world to depict the colorful variety of regions, people and landscapes featuring brims with feeling, culture, and art, to imply a story of human emotions, fantasy and world harmony. Very useful for RPG game, Anime or documentary scenes.

Descripción: A legendary adventure style track featuring ethnic vocals, an eastern string section, sitar, tambura, shakuhachi flute and deep drums providing a beautiful eastern style representation envisaging exploration and wonder. The rack itself was designed to suggest achieve goals and striving for success such as climbing a mountain. Excellent for promo videos, time lapse or travel vlog.

Descripción: Glissando de arpa suave abre la pista creando un efecto mágico weird instantáneo entonces como la pista basa en una melodía de flauta agradable se juega creando una atmósfera de ensueño ofreciendo la sensación de flotar o circula lentamente. Muy útil para temas de línea de tiempo de vídeo pequeñas producciones o para niños.

Descripción: Instrumentos orientales tradicionales utilizados como batería Tambura, flauta China, pero y bongo crean una sensación de atmósfera del Lejano Oriente de fondo adecuado para proyectos temáticos del mundo.

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