Descripción: A traditional western track with lots of driving orchestral elements energy.

Descripción: A country western style instrumental that features electric guitar, piano, brass, drums and more. Ennio Morricone today's style!

Descripción: Classic Western melodic track with spaghetti guitars, whistles, harmonica musical short elements in Ennio Morricone style. You can easily imagine a lonely cowboy with dusty boots and cigar in his mouth slowly riding in a hot prairie.

Descripción: Ideal for video games and films with Western-themed

Descripción: Wild West saloon style piano solo, upbeat

Descripción: The quintessential sound of the early settlers

Descripción: Sweeping, Copelandesque, trumpet solos, grandeur

Descripción: Shenandoah- grandiose big Western thematic; ""Red River Valley"" and ""Clementine""- harmonica, fiddle, banjo; ""Home on the Range""- full orchestra, sentimental; ""Tombstone""- harmonica, guitar; ""Shenandoah"" (reprise)- big orchestra, proud.

Descripción: Melancholic and mysterious old wild west music with harmonica, acoustic guitar, strings and choir.

Descripción: Cinematic music, written with Spaghetti Western movies in mind. Harmonica, plucked nylon stringed guitar, strings and with an opera voice on top.
