Descripción: Calm and cheerful composition.With elements of folk music.Played the guitar, flute and violin.Suitable for video clip and film production.

Descripción: Romantic and sad melody in the Russian tradition. With the sounds of folk instrument "zhaleyka", flute and accordion and balalaika. Suitable for video and film production.

Descripción: Vigorous and rhythmic funk composition,played on the guitar.Suitable for video and film production.

Descripción: Composition in the style of a swing fank.With the sound of guitars and brass section.Suitable for video and film projects.

Descripción: The vibrant and colorful composition funky.With the use of guitars and a horn section.Suitable for video and film production.

Descripción: Lyrical composition in Western Riding.With the use of the flute and guitar.Suitable for video and film production.

Descripción: Composition in the style of medieval ballads. Using guitar, flute and percussion. A bit sad and gloomy.Suitable for video and film production.

Descripción: Rhythmic composition in the style of 50's. With sharp-sounding brass band.This music, you can dance and listen.Ideal for video and film production.

Descripción: Sad and romantic melody in Scottish style.With the sounds of the Celtic harp and bagpipes.Suitable for video and film production

Descripción: Dynamic and disturbing composition.With the volume and spatial guitars.In the style of blues rock.Suitable for video and film production.

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