Descripción: Classical Music for Commercials. Determination and drive, pushing forward, overcoming adversity to reach your goal in life. Features steady rhythmic cello ostinato phrase which gradually builds to add basses, piano and string section. Ideal for radio and television commercials, drama and documentary. 60sec and 30sec versions

Descripción: Stately, joyful and slightly whimsical Palm Court style string quartet - in the style of Fawlty Towers. Rather upbeat and perky, conjures up images of afternoon tea in a grand hotel when one used to dress for dinner. Perfect for comedy, commercials, spoofs or documentary and TV reality programmes. 60sec and 30sec

Descripción: Prestigious, proud and celebratory modern classical. A birds eye view, sweeping through grand buildings, stately homes, over hill and dale, through vast country estates. Restless string section forms a rhythmic back drop, underscored by horns and sweeping violins with percussion crescendos. 60sec and 30sec

Descripción: Interesting, warm and quizzical. A day in the life - an everyday story of a contented everyday life. Light orchestral arrangement featuring rhythmic staccato cellos, lush warm strings and woodwinds. Prefect for radio and television commercials for domestic products and household services. 60sec and 30sec full and string mixes

Descripción: Tema científico luz, positivo en marcha. Cálida y hermosa con un toque de preocupación. Características fluido pulsos electrónicos suaves ritmos con hinchazón voces y sección de cuerdas orquestales. Ideal para la alta tecnología, documental médica, ciencia,. Mezcla principal, subrayado, mezcla de cadena y versiones de 30 seg.

Descripción: Uplifting corporate classical orchestra. Wistful, forward-pushing and positive orchestral underscore, full of drive and determination. Features rhythmic piano figures, staccato viola section, plus sweet smooth violins, harp and horns for power. Great for movement in drama, documentary or promotions. Main, 60sec and 30sec, full and underscore mixes

Descripción: Spritely, cómico y travieso ligeramente, con ideas de grandiosidad. Características cuerdas orquestales, cuerno Inglés, oboe y cuernos en varios movimientos con un ritmo diferente. mezcla principal, u / puntuación, 60 segundos y 30 seg versiones.

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