Descripción: Mary Mary Quite Contrary is a popular English nursery rhyme, which some see as having religious or historical meaning. This light and pretty version features acoustic guitars, Glockenspiel, and keyboards. Perfect for childrens television programmes, also radio and TV commercials. 60sec and 30sec

Descripción: Expansive, growing realisations. From absolute darkness, the first rays of light appear on the horizon. Understated light orchestral cue which builds from faint string murmurings, swelling to a wide panoramic vista. Perfect for aerial shots, documentary, nature and wild life television programmes

Descripción: Light-hearted, gentle and meandering character study. Quaint and lovely, idyllic everyday life that wanders along without a care in the world. Features piano, bass clarinet, pizzicato strings, flute, glockenspiel and triangle. Great for lifestyle, warm and friendly radio and television commercials. 60sec and 30sec versions

Descripción: Laid-back and relaxing, Lounge Jazz. For a cool and sophisticated atmosphere, a dimly lit smokey lounge bar, dressed for dinner, sipping a cocktail with a cigarette holder in one hand. Features a grand piano, double bass and brush drum kit. Perfect for commercials, drama and documentary. 60sec and 30sec, full and piano only mixes

Descripción: Popular and traditional English nursery rhyme for small children. Originally thought to be a counting song Hevera (8) Devera (9) Dick (10) from the old Cumbric Language. This version includes clock tick tock effects and features acoustic guitar and flute. Great for childrens TV and radio adverts

Descripción: Laid-back and relaxing, Lounge Jazz. For a cool and sophisticated atmosphere, a dimly lit smokey lounge bar, dressed for dinner, sipping a cocktail with a cigarette holder in one hand. Features a grand piano, double bass and brush drum kit. Perfect for commercials, drama and documentary. 60sec and 30sec, full and piano only mixes

Descripción: Bright, happy and catchy pop. Strong, mid-tempo and feel-good contemporary groove with an uplifting positive vibe. Features keyboards, steady strong drum kit beat, electric bass and brass punctuation stabs. Perfect for radio and television commercials, suitable for any product or service. 60sec and 30sec full and no brass mixes

Descripción: Action fairytale adventure, with a hint of the Emerald Isles. Soaring over gently rolling hills until suddenly the land dramatically drops away over the edge of a cliff with the roaring waves below. Opens with tin whistle and voice and gradually builds and expands with cinematic drums and strings. 60sec and 30sec various mixes

Descripción: Jazzy swing style instrumental, featuring brass, guitars, keyboards and versions with and without water dripping sound effects. Composed for commercials with the FX versions aimed at Plumbers and Roofing businesses.

Descripción: Bright, happy and catchy pop. Strong, mid-tempo and feel-good contemporary groove with an uplifting positive vibe. Features keyboards, steady strong drum kit beat, electric bass and brass punctuation stabs. Perfect for radio and television commercials, suitable for any product or service. 60sec and 30sec full and no brass mixes

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