Descripción: Sound effect of a slicing sword, knife or dagger attack.

Descripción: User interface, menu, or game sound effect that indicates a correct answer, menu selection, pop up notification, or other type of alert or notification.

Descripción: User interface, menu, or game sound effect that indicates a correct selection, menu selection, pop up notification, etc.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo sound effect recording of footsteps running over crunchy debris such as broken glass, rocks, dirt, gravel, concrete, etc.

Descripción: Sound recording of a big splash as someone or something jumps or falls into the water.

Descripción: Con una pistola de grapas o pistola de clavos de disparo varios tiros así como disparar de forma continua durante un período breve de tiempo.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo ambience of suburbia at night. Crickets and other insects chirp and sing among the sleepy streets and houses.

Descripción: A classic whoosh sound effect that's perfect for adding life to moving logos and text or motion graphics, or for transitions or emphasizing movement in sound design.

Descripción: Stereo sound effect recording of someone writing across a chalkboard with a piece of chalk.

Descripción: Sound recording of a power drill or screw gun being used to bore or drill a hole.

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