Descripción: Este es mi nuevo súper positivo y divertido feliz Navidad logotipo música pista con gozosa fiesta! No se pierda, porque realmente es baile, potente, fácil, motivacional y melodiosa pista con pistas, guitarra eléctrica, hip-hop rítmico tambores, voces Santa y los niños, etc...:) Qué hermosa sorpresa para sus amigos y los niños! Esta pista puede ser utilizada también como un fondo musical para sitios web, proyectos de vídeo y películas para niños etc.... Disfruta y agradece la compra! Feliz año nuevo!:)

Descripción: Esto es súper positivo Jingle Bells Navidad, año nuevo pista de música para niños con vacaciones humor hermoso estilo reggae! No se pierda, porque esto es realmente fácil, motivacionales y melodioso con campanas, Guitarra, tambores fácil rítmico, etc...:) esta pista puede utilizarse como fondo musical para sitios web, proyectos de vídeo y películas para niños etc.... Disfruta y agradece la compra!:)

Descripción: This is super positive Deck The Halls Hi Tech Bells Christmas energetic music, New Year track for children with holiday beautiful mood in dance modern style! Don’t miss it, because this is really easy, motivational and melodious track with celebratory bells, rythmical drums, etc…:)This festive music track can be used as a musical background for websites, seasonal xmas video projects, presentations, slideshows and films for children… Enjoy!:) 60s, Deck The Halls, Deck The Halls dance, Deck The Halls music, background, beautiful, bouncy, bright, celebrate, celebration, cheerful, children, christmas, corporate, dance, festive, fun, funny, game, happy, hi tech, high tech, holiday, hopeful, inspirational, joyful, kids, light, lively, logo, merry christmas, motivational, music, new year, opening, optimistic, party, peaceful, playful, positive, ringtone, santa, bells, sweet, techno, uplifting, video, xmas, video game

Descripción: This is my new optimistic positive corporate Christmas Holiday Dance Music 60s intro track with cheerful bright mood, which contains bells, acoustic piano, electronic club drums (aka Scooter), synths and bass…This track can be used anywhere – as a motivational musical holiday new year or christmas background for websites, in computer children's arcade games, tv or radio jingle, advertising and commercial video, etc…Enjoy and thanks for buying!:) achievement, advertising, background, bouncy, bright, celebratory, cheerful, children, children music, christmas, christmas music, club, commercial, dance, easy, energetic, fast, festive, fun, funny, game, game music, happy, holiday, inspiration, inspirational, intro, joyful, lively, logo, merry, motivation, motivational, music, new year, opening, optimistic, playful, positive, positive music, presentation, promo, travel, upbeat, uplifting, video, video game, website, wedding, fast

Descripción: This is my new optimistic positive corporate Christmas Holiday Romantic Dance Music 30s track with celebratory festive bright mood, which contains bells, guitar, electronic club drums, synths and bass…This loop track can be used anywhere – as a motivational musical holiday new year or christmas background for websites, in computer children's arcade games, tv or radio jingle, advertising, wedding and commercial video or presentation, photo slideshow, etc…Enjoy and thanks for buying!:)

Descripción: Esto es súper positivo Jingle Bells Navidad, pista de música trocido de año nuevo para niños con vacaciones humor hermoso en punk rock estilo de bailar! No se pierda, porque esto es realmente fácil, motivacionales y melodioso con campanas, tambores fácil rítmico, etc...:) esta pista puede utilizarse como fondo musical para sitios web, proyectos de vídeo y películas para niños etc.... Disfruta y agradece la compra!:)

Descripción: Esto es súper positivo Jingle Bells Navidad, año nuevo pista corta logo (12 seg) para niños con vacaciones humor hermoso estilo reggae! No se pierda, porque esto es realmente fácil, motivacionales y melodioso con campanas, Guitarra, tambores fácil rítmico, etc...:) esta pista puede utilizarse como fondo musical para sitios web, proyectos de vídeo y películas para niños etc.... Disfruta y agradece la compra!:)

Descripción: This is my new, calm and positive track for holiday and celebratory events, which contains soft bells, guitars, synths and easy light drums. This track can be used anywhere – in commercial games and movies, documentary scientific films, birthday, christmas or new year video presentations, photo slideshows, wedding video, telecasts, podcasts, youtube videos about nature, as a background music for business websites. Enjoy and thanks for buying!:) background, beginning, bells, calm, celebratory, chill, christmas, dreamy, fairy, fairytale, greetings, happy, holiday, inspiring, intro, logo, loop, love, magic, music, new year, opening, positive, romantic, smooth, soft, valentine, video, warm, wedding, relaxed, reflective, searching, sensual, sentimental, video game, sweet, quiet, peaceful, mellow, magical, light, inspirational, every day, easy, erotic, medium tempo

Descripción: This is super track with Christmas and New Year winter fairytale mood, with a romantic piano, bells, soft tender violins and Santa snow steps in the frost cold forest…:) This track can be used in kids games and movies for children, as a musical background for websites, advertisement, presentations, slideshows, youtube videos, cartoons films, etc…background, beautiful, bells, calm, celebration, children, christmas, corporate, family, game, happy, holiday, jingle, joyful, kids, loop, music, new year, opening, optimistic, party, positive, ringtone, romantic, santa, video, website, xmas, cheerful happy, casual, easy, fun, quiet, video game, sweet, soft, smooth, reflective, relaxed, repetitive, hopeful, inspirational, magical, light, mellow, nature, peaceful, playful, dreamy, snow, seamless looping, medium tempo

Descripción: Holiday, background Santa Christmas Hip Hop Logo 30s music track in hip hop pop style with upbeat celebratory mood. It is a cheerful and happy festive music for your original projects with an exciting and uplifting sound, which contains different bright instruments – catchy synths, groovy rhythmic drums. Great for business websites, kids games, TV or radio programs intro, advertising and commercial company presentations, children's birthday, new year or xmas youtube videos…advertising, background, bouncy, celebrate, cheerful, children, commercial, corporate, corporate music, dance, game, happy, happy music, holiday, inspiration, joyful, logo, merry, motivation, music, optimistic, positive, positive music, presentation, upbeat, video, website, christmas, festive, celebratory, intro, hip hop, inspirational, reflective, relaxed, repetitive, 30s, soft, sweet, uplifting, video game, peaceful, playful, fun, groovy, funny, easy, cheerful happy, casual, achievement, medium tempo

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