Descripción: Clásico estilo bávaro bebiendo canción, interpretada con instrumentos tradicionales. Alegre, despreocupado pie-tapping circular melodía, música tradicional típica alemana. Casi se pueden oler el cuero Lederhosen y la cerveza. Ideal para viaje, documentales, históricos y comerciales. versiones de 60 segundos y 30 seg.

Descripción: Jovial, light and carefree whimsical theme, quintessentially English and typical of the Victorian or Edwardian period. Ladies and gentlemen of all classes promenading in the park, taking in the fresh air and slightly quirky characters. Great for Reality TV, Comedy, Slapstick & Children's TV. Main, 60sec and 30sec mixes plus underscores

Descripción: Playful, evaluating and provocative waltz. Gentle and friendly, but a little cautious and hesitant - like meeting on a first date. This characterful piece features accordions, which give it a quirky European feel. Great for reality TV through to Radio and Television commercials. 60sec and 30sec full and light mixes

Descripción: Upbeat, lively French Jazz style track. Very catchy, friendly and happy tune that makes you want to tap along with your feet. Features acoustic guitars, walking double bass, brush drum kit and whistling. Perfect for light hearted radio and television commercials that want to raise a smile. 60sec and 30sec versions with or without whistling

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