Descripción: Tense, purposeful and edgy classical strings. Full of drama, movement and power struggles. The driving rhythmic cello mix with the inter-weaving frantic violas, whilst the violins have a more calming influence. Perfect for drama, documentary and commercials - especially sleek new car TV adverts. 60sec and 30sec versions

Descripción: Nostalgic, whimsical & fluffy 1950's style theme. Full of warmth, movement & humour, from playful kittens to comic activity, bursting with hustle & bustle and no mistaking. Features strings, pizzicato, xylophone & bassoon. Great for reality TV, cinema, clowning, comedy & fun. Main, underscore, 60sec & 30sec versions

Descripción: Bright upbeat synth pop. Catchy and contemporary electronic underscore, with an uplifting feel good factor. Features U2 style electric guitars alongside dance synths and a strong beat. Ideal for radio and television commercials, suitable for a wide range of products and services. 60sec and 30sec full and underscore mixes

Descripción: Warm and thoughtful, full of hope. Opens with a poignant caring piano, with a touch of uncertainty - then gradually builds, getting warmer, more confident, to a fuller and brighter logo end. Perfect for commercials of a helping and reassuring nature. From insurance and finance, to care homes.

Descripción: Crazy, fun and sing-a-long version of a traditional tune. Better known as Camptown Races the popular well known tune from the mid 1800s. This uptempo version has been arranged for radio and television commercials and is suitable for adding vocals at the beginning and end. Various mixes 60sec and 30sec versions

Descripción: Bright, hopeful and caring. Opens with a feeling of concern, but quickly warms to a much more caring and positive piano and acoustic guitar track. Perfect for radio and TV commercials for friendly personal service through to products to improve your life and well-being.

Descripción: Sexy, raunchy and grungy, but cool, laid-back and sophistication with a sensual vibe. A whole lot of luxury served up in a satin wrap. Perfect for advertising gifts and products depicting a more opulent lifestyle, or high-class shopping documentary or drama. Available as full mixes and underscores 60s and 30s

Descripción: Edificante, caliente & invitando a Navidad Indie pop subrayado. Constante circular rítmica guitarra eléctrica, construyendo gradualmente a lo largo. Gran acompañamiento contemporáneo a efectos visuales alentadora, gente haciendo el bien, la caridad, buen samaritano, que se unen. Perfecto también para anuncios de festivos. Principal, 60 & 30 seg

Descripción: Fresh, forward moving and optimistic with a sense of getting somewhere and achievement. Begins with rhythmic piano and gradually builds throughout with a warm positive and caring feel. Great for a wide range of commercials from personal services to professional services. 60sec and 30sec versions.

Descripción: Happy, flirty and cheeky - this fun pop track has a middle of the road reggae feel that's bright and sunny. Perfect for Radio and TV commercials that need a perky fun element. Various version available

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