Descripción: A light switch being flipped. Recorded with iPhone 4S bottom microphone. .wav @ 1411kbps | Duration: 0:00:00:998

Descripción: A switch being turned. [2] Recorded with iPhone 4S bottom microphone. .wav @ 1411kbps | Duration: 0:00:00:500

Descripción: A switch being turned. [3] Recorded with iPhone 4S bottom microphone. .wav @ 1411kbps | Duration: 0:00:00:500

Descripción: A switch being turned. [[]4[]] Recorded with iPhone 4S bottom microphone. .wav @ 1411kbps | Duration: 0:00:00:502

Descripción: A switch being turned. [5] Recorded with iPhone 4S bottom microphone. .wav @ 1411kbps | Duration: 0:00:00:501

Descripción: A switch being turned. [6] Recorded with iPhone 4S bottom microphone. .wav @ 1411kbps | Duration: 0:00:498

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