Descripción: Loop ready stereo recording of a busy construction site with workers sawing, pounding, and using power tools as they build.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo sound recording of a busy manufacturing facility manufacturing, assembling, and packing consumer goods using automated machinery.

Descripción: Stereo sound recording of industrial machinery running in a factory setting.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo ambience recording of a summer day on main street in a small town or city. Birds and insects chirp while a few cars drive by and the citizens go about their day.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo sound recording of country ambience from a field on a farm, with birds singing while crickets, grasshoppers, and other insects buzz and chirp.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo sound recording of a large room full of people talking amongst themselves. Great walla for background ambience or atmosphere to put behind dialogue.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo ambience or sfx recording of the countryside during early the early morning or sunrise in rural America. Birds sing and bugs and insects chirp in song, while a distant road and the sounds of human productivity and agriculture travel from across the fields.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo ambience or sound effect recording of a river or stream quickly moving over rocks, bubbling and rushing as it falls downstream.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo ambience recording of a busy beehive buzzing with activity as a swarm of bees fly around and make honey for their queen bee.

Descripción: Loop ready stereo sound recording of a large swarm of mosquitoes or other insects buzzing as they fly around. This sound evokes the miserable side of a rainy camping trip in the woods, or suffering through a hot, humid summer day when the bugs are in full force.

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