Descripción: Other worldly, futuristic, erie, flowing, liquid

Descripción: Travelogue, Picturesque, positive, forward motion

Descripción: Dark, mysterious, cello, flute, atmospheric

Descripción: Lush flowing water, haunting wood flute, atmospheric

Descripción: Panoramic, crashing waves, spiraling, swelling

Descripción: Celestial sounds forming an angelic melody consisting mainly of chimes. Inspired by a scene of twinkling star angels in still space.

Descripción: Soft sounds plays in the distance which combines with synth effects to create a peaceful relaxing ambient track designed to create a sense of relaxation and peace. Very useful for intro, calm or relaxing background music scenes.

Descripción: An inspiring, powerful and exciting electronic track!

Descripción: Steady and powerful beat with eerie sounds created by strings, a gong bell and pitch bends. Inspired for a movie scene where the theme starts local, then builds to paint a picture of an eerie desert soundscape with abandoned rusty cars.

Descripción: Majestic dreamy mellow, easy listening, powerful and Angelic. Lead by flute at the start, then lead with piano strings after the interlude and accompanied with chimes.