Descripción: A lightly strummed Ukulele with waves breaking in the background.

Descripción: Short but intense piece, akin to what you might have found in medieval Scandinavia. The Vikings ride again!

Descripción: Epic orchestral drums. Perfect for film/game trailers, commercials, epic videos, military projects and so on.

Descripción: Spanish feel, moving forward, regal, uptempo, determined, driving, confident, Spanish guitar, electric guitar, drums and bass

Descripción: Indie Pop, Easy, Island, Positive, Light Rhythm Section Groove, Steady, Outdoor, Tropical, Travel, fun, Romance

Descripción: A slow etno song played on armenian duduk. Chillout theme :)

Descripción: Island groove, steel drums, acoustic piano, accordion, percussion, drums, congas, bass, mandolin

Descripción: A peaceful and serene track with a positive campy vibe. Features native African instruments.

Descripción: This happy and joyful theme, inspired by great neapolitan composers, evokes the typical italian lifestyle made of sun, sea and mediterranean tasty food. Ideal for Cooking Channels, Travel TV shows, restaurants and sidewalk caf

Descripción: This happy and joyful theme, inspired by great neapolitan composers, evokes the typical italian lifestyle made of sun, sea and mediterranean tasty food. Ideal for Cooking Channels, Travel TV shows, restaurants and sidewalk caf
